Kennedy describes his experience at the farm

Dear friends in Ripple Effect Project and in the state of Maine as a whole, greetings with love from Kenya! My name is Kennedy Ochieng Omollo and I am 22 years old. I came to Korando in February 2014 in eighth grade. I’m a partial orphan, I lost my mother but my father is alive but I’m like a total […]

Letter from Dolfine about the Pandemic

On behalf of Dolfine Korando Faith Foundation, I wish to bring to your attention the above state in Kisumu County. The daily COVID test results have gone to 150 people per day going beyond Nairobi, Mombasa and Kericho combined. This has come to a worrying state for the country as a whole and the country is considering a total lockdown for Kisumu, which may come soon on about one or two weeks. Further to this, there was detected the Indian strain in five Indians some three weeks ago. This is posing more danger and worries.

Korando Center Reopens

On January 4, 2021, the joy was palpable as schools in Kenya reopened for grades Pre-K through 8 for the first time since last March. The Korando Education Center once again is able to function as a full-time orphanage and education facility, and all classes are back in session. Due to the closures from last year, all Kenyan students will […]

Dolfine discusses the impact of COVID-19

In September, we asked Mama Dolfine to share with us the circumstances and challenges the Korando Education Center community has been facing. Note that this interview has been edited for clarity and length. What changes do you need to make because of COVID-19? The government is providing masks for the children in public schools, but since this isn’t a government […]